Ever notice that it takes 2 cups of broccoli to make a block? Do you realize that means 8 cups of broccoli for a 4 block meal?!??! How about the greater than 50% of people who STILL get carb-head and insulin problems with the level of carbs recommended by the Zone?
1-shift upwards of 50% of the day’s carbs into the Post WO meal.
2-Delete carb blocks as needed and add 3 blocks of fat (1.5g of fat per block) to maintain caloric balance.
The details of these tweaks are laid out in Robb's Performance Menu article: 42 Ways to Skin the Zone
Training will still be the same, a mix of metcons (mostly short), skill work (the kip is quite appropriate here, as well as handstands), and Wendler 5/3/1 for the core strength movements.
Also, not to make Kerri feel alone on August 21, I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and go for a 500 lb. deadlift as my goal. The penalty for not achieving your goal is 100 burpees for time. Pretty good motivation if you ask me.
So for the next 7 weeks we will be tracking our meals, workouts, and body weight. Weighing myself this morning I came in at 211.4 with 17.9% body fat.
Please feel free to jump in and join us. I will be putting many more posts up and we will all be using comments on the posts, e-mails, and text messages to keep each other up to date on our food journals. I may even start using Twitter, who knows.
I hope you enjoy following along, it should be fun.