Sunday, June 28, 2009

Class Recap: Sunday June 28 - 8:00 AM

Class Participants: Phil, Amanda, Victoria

Skill Work: Handstand and Single-Leg Squat

4 rounds of:
Handstand Hold, 7 seconds
Thruster, 10 reps
Push-Up, 5 reps

Phil pushing through 95 lb Thrusters!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Class Recap: Saturday June 27 - 8:00 AM

Class Participants: Kerri, Ann, Phil, John

Deadlift 5x5

Great job Ann!

3 rds, 10 reps each of:
Dumbbell Swing
Squat Jump
Tire Jump/Step-Up

Class Recaps

Monday June 22 - 7:00 PM

Class Participants: Phil and Kerri S.

10, 9, 8...2, 1 reps per round of:

Wednesday June 24 - 7:00 PM

Class Participants: Kerri, Anne, Phil, Matt

For total reps, 1 min work/2 min rest of:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Class Recap: Sunday June 14 - 8:00 AM

Participants: Vin, Meredith, Matt, and Amanda

Strength Work: Introduction to Deadlift
-Great works guys, you pulled some serious weight on your first day of deadlifting!

Met-Con: 35 Burpees for Time
-Burpees are simple but never easy!

FFT Class this Week

Monday 7:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM
Sunday 8:00 AM (Father's Day) - Please let me know if you want to have a class here.

See you soon!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


So I went to the Crossfit Nutrition Certification today and it was a blast! I learned a lot and it was good to have some of my thoughts on nutrition confirmed. There is much to go over and some of it's more important than other. Going forward every class will have some component of nutrition in it and I will start posting more stuff here. Nutrition is very important and without it, attaining your goals will be an uphill battle. By the way that's me and Robb Wolf, the nutrition guy for Crossfit.