Saturday, June 13, 2009


So I went to the Crossfit Nutrition Certification today and it was a blast! I learned a lot and it was good to have some of my thoughts on nutrition confirmed. There is much to go over and some of it's more important than other. Going forward every class will have some component of nutrition in it and I will start posting more stuff here. Nutrition is very important and without it, attaining your goals will be an uphill battle. By the way that's me and Robb Wolf, the nutrition guy for Crossfit.


David Brown said...

If you're interested in giving your nutritional understanding a little boost, I suggest you visit this web page where Gary Tivendale of the UK offers a fascinating collection of documents dealing with the relationship between weight and gut bacteria.

Mark said...

Thank you David. I've never heard of Gary before but I'll be sure to check it out and read everything on the site. After reading and spending hours upon hours, the one thing that I'm sure of is that gut health is absolutely essential to a long and healthy life. It is very important.